Expected outcome . 1. Ability to calculate internal forces in members subject to axial loads, shear, torsion and bending and plot their distributions 2. Ability to calculate normal, shear, torsion and bending stresses and strains 3. Ability to transform the state of stress at a point and determine the principal and maximum shear stresses using equations as well as the Mohr’s circle 4. Understanding of column buckling and ability to calculate critical load and stress |
Text Books: 1. Timoshenko , Strength of Materials Vol. I & Vol. II , CBS Publishers & Distributers, New Delhi 2. Rattan, Strength of Materials 2e McGraw Hill Education India 2011 |
References: 1. Crandall, An Introduction to Mechanics of Solids 3e McGraw Hill Education India 2014 2. Egor P Popov , Mechanics of solids, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 3. M.L. Gambhir, Fundamentals of structural Mechanics and analysis, Prentice Hall India 4. Stephen H Crandall, N C Dahi, Thomas J L, M S Sivakumar, an introduction to Mechanics of Solids , McGraw hill Education, 3rd edition 5. Cheng, Statics and Strength of Materials 2e McGraw Hill Education India 2013 6. Hearn E.J., Mechanics of Materials, Pergamon Press, Oxford 7. Nash W A, Strength of Materials (SIE) (Schaum’s Outline Series) 5e McGraw Hill Education India 2010 8. Rajput R.K. Strength of Materials, S.Chand&company Ltd., New Delhi 9. James M Gere & Stephen P Timoshenko , Mechanics of Materials , CBS Publishers & Distributers, New Delhi 10. Punmia B. C., A. K. Jain and A. K. Jain, Mechanics of Materials, Laxmi Publications(P) Ltd, New Delhi |